Stamps Value Penny Black
Stamps Value Penny Black
One of the best things about the Penny Black is the fact that it is historically very exciting as when you see a real Penny Black you are immediately taken back to a Dickensian Victorian London. The other great thing about it as a new stamp collector is the fact that contrary to some misconceptions, it is NOT a rare stamp. Over 68 million were made, and even through the passing of time, there are many genuine Penny Blacks about in collections, sales rooms and dealers stocks.
The first British postage stamp was the Penny Black, issued in 1840 during the reign of Queen Victoria. The Penny Black was issued as a way for people to pre-pay for their postage at a set rate. Believe it or not, the Penny Black was only printed for one year. The problem was that the stamps were cancelled (or stamped by the post office) in red ink, and the Royal Mail found that a lot of stamps were being re-used. The red ink used to cancel them was also relatively easy to remove; hence sneaky people did this and used the stamps again and again, thus depriving the Royal Mail of their revenue.
Stamps Value Penny Black
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