Johannes Gutenberg - Postage Stamps 6

Johannes Gutenberg - World Postage Stamps
Johannes Gutenberg - World Postage Stamps

The United States commemorated Gutenberg’s achievement on 30 September 1952 with this 3¢ value. The picture on the left side of the stamp is based on a detail of a mural painted by Edward Lansing (1906-1981) in the New York Public Library. It shows Gutenberg presenting a proof of his Bible to the Archbishop, Duke Adolph Nassau, the Elector of Mainz. The appearance of this stamp was marked by many First Day Covers, several of which are here reproduced (United States, Scott #1014).

Johannes Gutenberg - World Postage Stamps
The second value in a set of two commemorating “Printing Pioneers,” the 30-denar value (shown here on a First Day Cover)has a portrait of Gutenberg holding a book, flanked by a wooden press, with a page from the 42-line Bible serving as background. The cachet is an oft-used portrait of Gutenberg (Macedonia, Scott #193).
Johannes Gutenberg - Postage Stamps
